Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Site Map

As you may know, Professor Suckarieh and I have a keen interest in the topic of electronic portfolios for student learning. Perhaps you have participated in preparing an electronic portfolio in some way over your undergraduate career (i.e. During my sabbatical I put some more consideration to the taxonomy we had created. Here are some thoughts from March: eiPageFolio. One outcome of thinking about an electronic portfolio: that same taxonomy serves as a useful site map for navigating our problems in architecture 3 project. Here is a proposed excerpt from the above eiPageFolio starting from the Course Portfolio level.

|-->My Learning
|....|__My University of Cincinnati Portfolio
|....|...|-->Senior Architectural Project 1.
|....|...|-->Problems in Architecture 3.
|....|...|...|__Course Outcomes
|....|...|...|...|-->Class Wiki & Project Description.
|....|...|...|__Course Reflections

Last updated: 5 Jan 2011